20 thoughts on “FREE Internet TV: A How To (part 2)”
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@paulrece123 yeah you still have to buy the TV and the mac mini (which is an apple computer but very small and compact). Apple TV is a different device where you connect to your TV and watch Netflix and the stuff you download in iTunes. You cant surf the net with it.
@hulkyou1234 no because theyre actually putting it on the internet themselves. Granted they dont give you every single show that has been on.
Only downfall is that if you are one of the people who like to watch shows right when they come out. On the internet it is usually 1-2 weeks behind schedule.
No You Cannot Get Sued. Just Like When You Watch TV Online From Your Laptop The Only Difference Here Is That Your Watching It On The TV. So No You Don’t Get Sued.
@TheTemplai i agree with you completely on that 🙂 if tthers a chance i can download instead of stream 98% of the time i’ll download.. because noramlly for me it’s better quility ect…
There are now legal precedents for viewers of sites containing pirated movies to be sued – there’s a class action at the moment, 60,000 people are being sued for watching pirated content. Be careful what you watch; you don’t know who is watching you! If you want to see free legal content go to ViewCave.com
Watch online TV on Your PC with SatelliteDirect – Over 3,500 HD Channels Available 24/7
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T7hat´s nice , I still 7have a satellite dis7h , but it´s nice to know t7here are ot7her options !
@kylelikesducks glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by!
This is the most pointless video ever. Oh no wait. Part 1 was.
ehh, i’ll stick to my automatic usenet downloads and rss bittorrent and pvr frontend
@pete5668 hdmi or vga
@paulrece123 yeah you still have to buy the TV and the mac mini (which is an apple computer but very small and compact). Apple TV is a different device where you connect to your TV and watch Netflix and the stuff you download in iTunes. You cant surf the net with it.
appple tv isnt free
Thanks. I will see how it goes before I cancel cable.
@agmarkis Oh, okay. Thanks for the information! =)
@hulkyou1234 no because theyre actually putting it on the internet themselves. Granted they dont give you every single show that has been on.
Only downfall is that if you are one of the people who like to watch shows right when they come out. On the internet it is usually 1-2 weeks behind schedule.
Yeah i never watch TV that i just have a capture card in my computer that can recieve air waves. (except for fox, but no one cares)
Also, if you have a video card in your PC or other computer that has HDMI, you are likely to have that option as well.
@DreamInCream Cool, thanks man!
No You Cannot Get Sued. Just Like When You Watch TV Online From Your Laptop The Only Difference Here Is That Your Watching It On The TV. So No You Don’t Get Sued.
@TheTemplai i agree with you completely on that 🙂 if tthers a chance i can download instead of stream 98% of the time i’ll download.. because noramlly for me it’s better quility ect…
@Kurzxclan Oh, okay. Thanks a lot man! 😀
@hulkyou1234 no the sites he listed are legal the people who contol the site have the ok from fox, or w/e to post the vid or movie online for free.
There are now legal precedents for viewers of sites containing pirated movies to be sued – there’s a class action at the moment, 60,000 people are being sued for watching pirated content. Be careful what you watch; you don’t know who is watching you! If you want to see free legal content go to ViewCave.com
Can you get sued for watching television for free on the internet? =O