Introducing Sony Internet TV, the world’s first HDTV powered by Google TV. Television and Internet are together at last. Learn More:
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Introducing Sony Internet TV, the world’s first HDTV powered by Google TV. Television and Internet are together at last. Learn More:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@amagilly Which is why you hook it up to a multiple input box. Game console for one HDMI input, this for another HDMI input.
This is such a good advert idea ruined by a dumb song, iv seen that more an more recently, and vice versa. JUST BECAUSE ITS CALLED “HOLIDAY” DOESN’T MEAN VAMPIRE WEEKEND WROTE IT ABOUT CHRISTMAS!
name of the song pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@setsunathemoo if you are a gamer, do not buy these sony tv’s. the input lag is 176ms. and there is no ‘game mode’ to reduce it.